Friday, June 20, 2008

For any interested in my current "investigation" into the weirdness known as Scientology please go Here... Remember to click on any Scientology adverts you see anywhere!! The bastards have got more than enough money!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Writing a Religion


well, this is breaking away from the theme of this blog, and I promise it is only a brief interlude, but, due to recent interests, I have to give some attention to this rather controversial subject.

You see, roughly half a century ago, a science fiction writer, seemingly with rather bold dreams of avarice, decided to turn the subject of his writings to a more profitable endeavour than merely enjoyable literature (sarcasm)..

Ron Hubbard, deceased (unless you believe the Scientology hype that he has simply gone home), changed a lot when he wrote his best seller “Dianetics”, not only did the book make him a ridiculous amount of money but it opened the door for an influx of further profits for him and the organisation he was to be responsible for.

I love this!

Whether or not there is any truth at all behind Scientology isn't of any importance here, the important point is that this proves the power of the written word.

Scientology is the only major religion to emerge from the 20th century. It has spread to countries across the globe, with well-known celebrities included amongst its ranks of followers. It has made many people rich and powerful.

All because of an idea, translated into a book full of the right words.

Just goes to show, the right words can shine a positive light on almost anything.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Improving your writing

Is there anything wrong with how you write? Do you want to know how to repair your writing?

If so, stop.

People read the writing of others because they want something unique from another, they want a different point of view, a different expression. They want something new.

If you try to “fix” the way you write, who's rules are you going to be following? And how are you going to make your writing different from their's? If you can't keep your own unique take on things then you'll never achieve what you want. Readership.

While, yes, I believe we should all write for ourselves I also understand that most of us want some form of recognition for our scribblings. Whether you aim for fame, or simply the kind words of a stranger, you do want someone (or everyone) to read what you've written and appreciate it.

This is why I believe you have to write for yourself. If you think too hard about the opinions of others, you'll never reach your full potential.

It is, after all, the personality in your writing that really separates you from everyone else. If you expend too much energy on worrying about what others think, you'll suppress your own special 'something'. If you do that then, chances are, no one will have an opinion of you one way or another.
People not noticing you is always far worse than them having something bad to say about what you do.

Friday, June 6, 2008


With practised hand,
I make my stand,
That line in sand in drawn.
This pounding heart,
In closing dark,
Waits for the arc of dawn...

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Angels tears, a devils smile, this tender heart's caress,
Open wounds have, with loving touch, been blessed,
What once was torn, is now reformed,
With a strength, as yet, unknown
Two hearts have proved, they can win through,
Where once, one beat alone,
And this dying hope has lent it's throat to a song of truest love,
Not every angel, need shine it's light, far from reach, above,
Your tender lips,
Turned up for me,
Have brought more than is said,
New life now pumps through veins I'd thought were long since dead,
Eyes of unknown colour, a scar that grins at me,
These are the mere reflections,
Of the beauty that I see,
In dreams of sins,
Of a love that is not true,
I know I will not find,
The beauty that is you..

Fallen angel

Angelic repose, when in shades of the night,
Beauty met hemlock,
For the absence of light.
An inch near or farther from love's sure embrace,
This angel in waiting,
Has fallen from grace.

Rules of the rhyme

This article by Bruce Price stunned me, grabbed me and shook me.

For so long I've looked at the “poetry” I've written and, to a certain, extent, felt shame.. So often you hear about the rules of poetry, a snobbish friend of mine exclusively writes Haiku's that I find terribly dingy and dull. Nonetheless, I've always believed that he must be doing the right thing (even if I think it's shite) because he's obeying a set of rules that I'd never bothered finding out about until a few days ago.

You see, despite any shame I may have felt the truth is that I've always enjoyed my own writing. I've never cared if it was pretentious, snotty or so deep as to be impossible to interpret. All that mattered to me was that it expressed me. Thats what my poetry does, whether or not it can actually be called poetry is another question entirely, but thats not important to me. The feeling, the expression, the passion and the pain. Those are what matter.

I write poems for myself.

I'm happy if anyone else out there can read and relate, but first and foremost my poetry is an exercise in self-expression. I often read poems of my own, written years ago, and find new meanings there that I'd never recognised before. Thats what it's all about! Discovering yourself through the sharing of yourself. Whether you're using your poetry to describe heartbreak and pain, or something as simple as the first green of Spring, It tells something about you, how you view the world, how you interact with it. How it all affects you.

Mere ramblings? Perhaps.. But then, thats what my poetry is.. and it's me

Dirty little Poem

Passion's lost between the sheets,
spread legs,
shattered little dreams.

No shining knight, no Romeo,
Love is dead,
sweet Juliet,
Now close your eyes and swallow.

A broken will to live, to love,
An aching need to please,
Never thought you were enough,
Identify yourself through me,